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Town of Groton, NY

FOIL Request - Freedom of Information
Many public documents are available in our Records Repository through the Tompkins Shared Services Electronic Record Repository (TSSERR). These records include Town Board Minutes beginning in 1849; old newspapers; census; and other documents. The Repository continues to be a work in progress and more records will be added as scanning projects are completed and as staff time allows for updates to be made. To explore the Records Repository CLICK HERE.
If you don't find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact the Town Clerk's Office and ask, or if you prefer you can submit a formal FOIL Request.
How to submit your FOIL Request: Download our FOIL Request Form and submit to Robin Cargian by mail, email, fax, or by bringing it to the Town Clerk's Office.
Freedom of Information Law requires: That within 5 days of the receipt of a request for a record reasonably described, that the Freedom of Information Officer shall make such record available to the person requesting it, deny such request in writing or furnish a written acknowledgment of the receipt of such request and a statement of the approximate date when such request will be granted or denied.
When does the 5-day timeline start? The 5-day timeline does not start when you mail your letter or send your email. For a letter, the 5-day timeline starts when your letter is delivered, and date stamped as received by the Town Clerk's Office. For an email, the timeline starts when the Town Clerk opens and reads your email. Please note that the Town Clerk's email is not monitored on weekends, holidays, vacations, or if she is out sick.
More information on YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW, can be found at the Committee on Open Government website or clicking the link above.
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