Town of Groton, NY
Robin Cargian, RMC, Town Clerk
Denise Smith, Deputy Town Clerk
Tax Collection Hours
Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM
One Saturday on January 25th 8AM to Noon
Extra Hours January 30th & 31st 8AM to 6PM
Located at 101 Conger Boulevard, Groton, New York
Mailing Address: PO Box 36, Groton, NY 13073
Phone: 607-898-5035
Fax: 607-898-3086
With TaxGlance you can pay your taxes online from January thru March.
You can also view and print your Town & County tax bill online anytime. Can't find your paid receipt? Now it's easy, just go online and print it!
Cash, Check,
Money Orders
Credit Cards
will add a service fee
School Taxes are not collected by this office.
School tax bills come out in September-
You may pay them at the First National Bank of Groton
Mail to the TST BOCES address located on the bill or
Review, and pay the bill electronically through TAXLOOKUP.NET