Town of Groton, NY

Codes / Building Department
Rick Fritz, Code Official
Office Phone: 607-898-4428
Cell: 607-591-9898
Fax: 607-898-3086
Mailing Address:
PO Box 36, Groton, NY 13073
Services Provided
Review/Consultation of Building Project (does not include engineering or architectural design)
- Application review/consultation
- Inspections of
NY State Building Codes,
Local Code
Flood Compliance.
All Inspections are required to be scheduled. Please make sure the project is at a stage of completion before scheduling. If the cell mailbox is full contact the clerk's office at 607-898-5035.
Each property owner is responsible for compliance with all terms of the Town of Groton Land Use Code affecting his or her property. The Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy or Completion when he is satisfied that the proposed use complies with the Code and that structures have been erected and the site developed in accordance with submitted plans.
No habitable structure shall be occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. Furthermore, no addition to habitable space or the alteration of non-habitable space into habitable space shall be occupied until an Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
Any non-habitable structure shall not be used until a Certificate of Completion is issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. Such Certificate of Completion shall carry the same weight as does a Certificate of Occupancy.
A certificate of Occupancy or Completions starts with a Building or Appliance Permit